Blonde Jokes

First Class Blonde

A beautiful young blonde woman boards a plane to New York with a ticket for the coach section. She looks…

Bus Number 177

The villager on his first trip to the city was waiting at a bus stop one morning. After some hesitation…

Blondes Taking Bus

Two blondes are waiting on a bus stop, when a bus pulls up and opens the door. One of the…

Blonde Cop

A blonde cop stops blonde motorist and asks for her driving license. The motorist scuffles around in her purse and…

Crying Blonde

Sally goes to work one morning crying her eyes out. Her boss, concerned his employee, walks over to her and…

Italian Blonde

A Bedouin wandering in the Sahara happened upon an Italian blonde dressed in a bathing suit, flip-flops, a big, over-sized…

Blonde on Diet

A blonde was terribly overweight, so her doctor put her on a diet. "I want you to eat regularly for…

I Wish My Friends Were Back Here

A blonde, a brunette and a redhead were stuck on an island for many, many years until one day they…

I farted and ……..

Once there were 3 people in an airplane, one took a bite out of an apple. She thought it was…